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00-01 SAT Course Introduction 07-2024
05-30 SAT - CB Practice Test 5
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05-40 SAT - CB Practice Test 6
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01-02- Why Start With Mindset
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01-04- The Competitive Mindset
01-05 ACT The Competitive Mindset
01-05- What Should My Goals Be
01-06 ACT What Should My Goals Be
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01-07 ACT What Pace Of Improvement Is Normal
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01-08 ACT How Do I Maximize My Score
01-09 ACT How Does Stress Work
01-09- Can I Overcome My Anxiety
01-10 ACT Can I Overcome My Anxiety
01-10- What If I Always Run Out Of Time
01-11 ACT What If I Always Run Out Of Time
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01-12 ACT What If I'm Not A Good Tester
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01-13 ACT What If I'm Not Confident
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01-14 ACT What If The Test Is A Disaster
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01-15 ACT What If I Don't Have Time To Prepare
01-16 ACT Managing This Course
01-16- Practice Test 1 v2 HLS
01-17 How Was The Practice Test
01-18 ACT How To Take Practice Tests
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01-20 ACT Reading Your Score Report
02-01 ACT Phase 2 - Techniques
02-01- Phase 2 - Techniques
02-01- Phase 2 - Techniques v2
02-02 ACT Using Techniques Properly
02-02- Using Techniques Properly
02-03 ACT English - Section Introduction
02-03- Reading - Section Introduction
02-04 ACT English - Step 1 Question By Question
02-04- RS1 - Read The Passage
02-05 ACT English - Step 2 Sounds Good Is Not Enough
02-05- RS2 - Make A Prediction
02-06 ACT English - Step 3 Key Grammar Categories
02-07 ACT English - Step 4 Helpful Procedures
02-08 ACT English - Step 5 Skip & Come Back
02-08- RS5 - Skip And Come Back
02-09 ACT English - Section Practice 1
02-09- English - Section Introduction
02-10 ACT Math - Section Introduction
02-10- ES1 - Question By Question
02-11 ACT Math - Step 1 Underline Key Words
02-11- ES2 - Sounds Good Is Not Enough
02-11a DSAT Practice Worksheets
02-12 ACT Math - Step 2 Parentheses Around Question
02-12- ES3 - Key Grammar Categories
02-13 ACT Math - Step 3 Backsolving
02-13- ES4 - Helpful Procedures
02-14 ACT Math - Step 4 Picking Numbers
02-14- ES5 - Skip And Come Back
02-15 ACT Math - Step 5 Skip & Come Back
02-15- Math - Section Introduction
02-16 ACT Math - Section Practice 1
02-16- MS1 - Underline Key Words
02-17 ACT Reading - Section Introduction
02-17- MS2 - Bracket The Question
02-18 ACT Reading - Step 1 Read The Passage
02-19 ACT Reading - Step 2 Make A Prediction
02-19- MS4 - Picking Numbers
02-20 ACT Reading - Step 3 Sweep 1
02-20- MS5 - Skip And Come Back
02-21 ACT Reading - Step 4 Sweep 2
02-21- Essay - Introduction
02-22 ACT Reading - Step 5 Skip & Come Back
02-22- Essay - Time Management
02-23 ACT Reading - Section Practice 1
02-23- Practice Test 2 v2 HLS
02-24 ACT Science - Section Introduction
02-25 ACT Science - Step 1 Questions First
02-26 ACT Science - Step 2 Underline Key Words
02-27 ACT Science - Step 3 Graph Reading
02-28 ACT Science - Process Of Elimination
02-29 ACT Science - Step 5 Skip & Come Back
02-30 ACT Science - Section Practice 1
02-31 ACT Practice Test 2
03-01 ACT Phase 3 - Content
03-01 DSAT Why Techniques Are Necessary
03-02 ACT English - Content Overview
03-02 DSAT How To Use Techniques
03-03 ACT English - Semicolons & Periods
03-03 DSAT Step 0 - Reset Breath
03-04 ACT English - Commas
03-04 DSAT RW Step 1 - Identify Question Type
03-05 ACT English - Dashes & Parentheses
03-05 DSAT RW Step 2 - Initial Read
03-06 ACT English - Colons
03-06 DSAT RW Step 3 - Sweep 1
03-07 ACT English - Clause Structure
03-08 ACT English - Vocabulary
03-08 DSAT RW Step 5 - Skip & Come Back
03-09 ACT English - Expressions
03-10 ACT English - Modifiers
03-10 DSAT Math Step 1 - Highlight Key Words
03-11 ACT English - Verbs
03-11 DSAT Math Step 2 - Highlight The Question
03-12 ACT English - Parallelism
03-12 DSAT Math Step 3 - Calculator
03-13 ACT English - Section Practice 2
03-13 DSAT Math Step 4 - Backsolving
03-14 ACT English - Possessives
03-14 DSAT Math Step 5 - Skip & Come Back
03-15 ACT English - Connectors
03-16 ACT English - Pronouns
03-17 ACT English - Check DELETE First
03-18 ACT English - Check Shortest First
03-19 ACT English - Content Specification
03-20 ACT English - Include Or Exclude
03-21 ACT English - Sentence Placement
03-22 ACT English - Introductions & Transitions
03-23 ACT English - Primary Purpose
03-24 ACT English - Section Practice 3
03-25 ACT Math - Content Overview
03-26 ACT Math - Basic Algebra
03-27 ACT Math - Equivalent Expression
03-28 ACT Math - Arithmetic Word Problems
03-29 ACT Math - Fractions
03-30 ACT Math - In Terms Of
03-31 ACT Math - Functions
03-33 ACT Math - Systems Of Equations
03-34 ACT Math - Inequalities
03-35 ACT Math - Percentages
03-36 ACT Math - LCM & GCF
03-37 ACT Math - Absolute Value
03-38 ACT Math - Ratios & Proportions
03-39 ACT Math - Distance & Midpoint
03-40 ACT Math - Distance Rate Time
03-41 ACT Math - Exponents
03-42 ACT Math - Logarithms
03-43 ACT Math - Radicals
03-44 ACT Math - Cyclic Patterns
03-45 ACT Math - Scientific Notation
03-46 ACT Math - Complex Numbers
03-47 ACT Math - Sequences
03-48 ACT Math - Section Practice 2
03-49 ACT Math - Matrices
03-50 ACT Math - Differential Means
03-51 ACT Math - Factoring
03-52 ACT Math - Advanced Quadratics
03-54 ACT Math - Triangles
03-57 ACT Math - Ellipses
03-59 ACT Math - Geometry Word Problems
03-60 ACT Math - Transformations
03-61 ACT Math - Trigonometry
03-62 ACT Math - Laws Of Sines & Cosines
03-63 ACT Math - Other Geometry
03-64 ACT Math - Summary Statistics
03-65 ACT Math - Data Analysis
03-66 ACT Math - Combinations & Permutations
03-67 ACT Math - Probability
03-68 ACT Math - Formula Sheet
03-69 ACT Math - Section Practice 3
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